Mini Scatola Guide

Opening the Mini Scatola does require some technique. Please read carefully:

Opening the bench: Opening the table requires a jolt to unlock the snap dowel.

We suggest placing your foot against the bench while at the same time inserting your hand under the bench top and pulling:

Removing & adding extensions:

The extensions also lock with a snap dowel but if you lift them at the seam they come apart easily. Try the middle extensions first.

How to separate extensions

Opening the bench:


Is the bench too hard to open, even when using your foot to push?
It is possible to reduce the snap dowel strength. We do not suggest adjusting the extensions ever, but only the bench.

Step 1: Open the bench with the help from a friend or use a thin hard item like a wooden spoon to pry it open.
Step 2: Use pliers to lightly squeeze and rotate them around in a circular motion around the dowel. This will remove a very thin layer of the dowel and it will make it easier to open. Try to only remove a small amount and test.