Sarah’s dinner party space issues and how she solved them.

sarahs dinner party solution for small spaces

Sarah uses a converting console for her dinner party space solution

Sarah is having a dinner party but does not have enough dining room for all of her guests. She could invite less people but that's not Sarah. She could buy a bigger table but that would change her normal everyday lifestyle. Watch the video for Sarah's solution.

Transforming table for your small home by Expand Furniture Sarah remembers she can buy multifunctional space savers from Expand Furniture. She buys a Junior Giant console to dining table. This expanding table hides as a console against a wall in Sarah's home without taking up any valuable real estate for her everyday living. When she has her dinner parties she extends the console out to be a massive dining table. Now Sarah can entertain as much as she likes without having to worry about seating issues in her small apartment. Her everyday apartment is still as spacious as ever. Sarah got to have her cake and ate it too, and so can you when you make smart choices.

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Vancouver, BC V5T-4T1, Canada

Office: 778-580-7818

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