Ways to Organize Your New York Apartment with Space Saving Furniture

Ways to organize Your New York Apartment with Space Saving Furniture
Question: I have a very small bedroom with a closet that may be three feet across and is smaller than that from front to back. I also have some book shelves and a small five drawer dresser and my headboard has a narrow shelf bookshelf. I have absolutely no room for any more furniture including storage bins. With all that being said my room us extremely messy and I have no room to put anything. Any advise?

Answer:Small living spaces in cities like New York with their limited storage capacity can be a challenge. The trick is to create storage places where formerly there seemed to have been none. One great way to do that is with a DIY loft bed for example. By elevating the bed you are freeing up valuable floor space, space that can be a great place for a dresser, shelf, a desk or a couch or maybe even a fold out bed.

You could also try to make your closet space more organized. People often overlook the storage possibilities a closet may provide. Re-organizing your closet and removing what you might not need anymore are a great start. Or you might want to consider adding shelving to the closet. A lot of space in closets is wasted by not utilizing the hidden possibilities of storage space. With limited living and storage space in many cities, hanging storage solutions such as nets etc. are available as well.

Affordable Space Saving Furniture in New York | Expand Furniture

Consider replacing some of your current furniture with some space saving models such as wall beds, which free up space during the times your bed is not in use. Over the door or behind the door storage space is also often forgotten. Storage ottomans are another fantastic solution that double as furniture and storage space. The make great accents while being functional as well. Sometimes, making more room or “faking” more room in your New York apartment is as easy as moving and rearranging what you already have.

space saving wall-bed-desk

Depending on how you are intending to utilize your room, a murphy bed with desk is also a fantastic solution that adds sleek style almost immediately. Generally, clean, sharp lines create the illusion of tidiness and spaciousness. The same can be said for certain colors. Good luck in finding the best solution for your New York living space.

Contact us today to see what other space saving solutions are available to you!

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